What are Western Conifer Seed Bugs?
The Western Conifer Seed Bug is a species of True Bug, often abbreviated to WCSB.
One of the most common features of a true bug is the fact that they can’t chew. Their mouth (known as a proboscis or beak) is made to pierce and suck in their food, where then their saliva partly digests it.
What do Conifer Seed Bugs eat?
WCSB primarily eats seeds from a variety of trees and shrubs. Just like we have a favorite food, so do they! Instead of ice cream or Chinese food, they prefer pines, Douglas-firs and dogwoods.
Where do Conifer Seed bugs live?
You can find them in forests or even your home; because they eat from the seeds of cone-bearing trees, you will find them near their food source. Here in the NW we have plenty of food for them (hello Oregon state tree).
Life cycle of a conifer seed bug
WCSB only creates one generation per year, from egg to adult it takes roughly 5 months.
- Stage 1: Egg 2-2.5 weeks
Laid mid to late spring in rows along the needles of preferred trees. - Stage 2: Nymphs 6-12 weeks
They usually reach adulthood by late August - Stage 3: Adult
They spend winter in the cracks of bark, nests or peoples homes and emerge in May or early June.
Are Conifer Seed bugs harmful?
The Western Conifer Seed Bug is not harmful to humans, but they can be to our forests. Since they eat the nutrients from the seeds of trees, it makes it difficult for trees to populate.
They do give off a buzzing sound when they are flying and that tends to freak people out.