What are Western Conifer Seed Bugs? The Western Conifer Seed Bug is a species of True Bug, often abbreviated to WCSB. One of the most common features of a true bug is the fact that they can’t chew. Their mouth (known as a proboscis or beak) is made to pierce and [...]

2021-06-25T15:37:31-07:00June 8th, 2021|Bug Blog|Comments Off on WCSB

We are itching to get away from Portland

“We are itching to get away from Portland, Oregon!” “We are itching to get away from Portland, Oregon!” So says the legend in nine-inch letters over the entrance to Vesuvio Café, the legendary bar in North Beach, San Francisco, California. It is purportedly a reference to a flea infestation [...]

2022-12-13T11:45:06-08:00September 25th, 2018|Bug Blog|Comments Off on We are itching to get away from Portland
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